The Best Way to Apply Makeup

The Best Way to Apply Makeup

This will show you the best and most efficient order to apply your makeup. This has most of the makeup people wear. If you wear more or less makeup, you can follow the tutorial the same order it reads,and you can take away some steps, or add some steps. Hope you enjoy!


Cleanse&Moisturize- Use moisturizer on your entire face, or anywhere you will be applying makeup. Well you should clean your face every morning, Moisturizing your face helps protect your skin from and makeup.

Foundation- Put foundation on your entire face, or places where you have any uneven skin tones. Apply your foundation as a base for all your other makeup.

Concealer- Use your concealer under your eyes and on any blemishes, helps any uneven skin tone or blemishes that the foundation did not catch.

Powder- Apply a light (or heavy) coat of power. This is just to set any makeup you have already applied, or to give your make up a matte finish.

Contour, Highlight, and Blush- You can apply in any order you like. Contour under your cheekbones, on the sides (of the bridge) of your nose, and/or your temples towards the other contour under your cheekbones (if that makes sense), also you can put it at the start of your neck (right under the bottom bone of your face). Highlight your cheekbones, the bridge of your nose, and (if you want) on the top of your lip (like in the little triangle between both sides of your lip) and on the bottom of your lip opposite to the other highlight. And you can apply blush in the area of your cheek bones (where ever it fells comfortable). Contour helps define your face, and make it seem skinnier. Highlight, again makes your face seem skinner, and brings attention to different parts of your face. Blush brings color to your face, and makes it so you don’t look like a doll.

Eye Primer- Apply where ever you are going to apply eyeshadow (if any). This protects your skin from the product, and makes the shadow more pigmented.

Eye Shadow- Apply on your eyes (duh) in any type of look you like (tell us in the comments if you want us to do an article on eye shadow looks). This makes your eyes pop, and adds some color to your look.

Eye Liner- Apply on the base of your lid, in your tight line, water line, under your eyes , really wherever you like. This makes your eyes appear bigger, and brings the focus to your eyes.

Mascara- Apply this to your eyelashes (do as many coats as you like). This makes your eyes appear bigger, and darkens your eyelashes.

Eyebrow Powder, Gel, and Liner- Use any type of brow products, can apply it to your eyebrows. This helps define your brows, or gives them more color.

Lipstick, Gloss, Liner, Balm, Liquid lipstick- Use any lip product you like and apply it to your lips. This gives color to your face and lips, moisturizes your lips, and defines your lips.

Finishing Spray, Powder- Use either on your entire face, or where ever you applied makeup. This protects your makeup, and gives it a fishing look.

And your done! We hoped you enjoyed this, and found it helpful.



Top 10 Classic Movies Every Girl Must Watch

Top 10 Classic Movies Every Girl Must Watch

Hi! J&L here, we are so sorry that we haven’t been posting in a while! We are starting this blog, and we would really appreciate whoever reads this and likes it, pins it, tweets it, Instagram’s  it, or recommends this blog to anyone. Thanks again, and we hope you like the post!!!

1. Mean Girls- Okay, we kind of knew this was coming. This is always the number one, and the ultimate movie for a girls night in., page 1 @ Normalize

2. Tiger Eyes – This movie is perfect if you are looking for a sad or dramatic movie, more of a teen or tween movie, but could be for anyone.

3&4. Pitch Perfect 1&2- Again comedic movie, perfect for a girls night.











5. 50 First Dates- A funny down to heart movie, great for any time, with friends, dates, family, anyone!


6. Mamma Mia- A classic movie, never fails to impress.


7. Legally Blonde- Hilarious and impressive, perfect for girls night!


8. How to be Single- Very funny movie, classic chick flick.


9. Daddy’s Home- Vey funny, perfect when hanging out with close friends.


10. Sisters- Last but definitely not least, this has to be one of my favorite movies of all time. Tina Fay and Amy Poehler are the perfect pair, they are so funny and powerful together. Highly recomened this movie for any time.


That is it for this post, I hope you all watch these movies, they are definitely worth it! Make sure to comment, like, pin, ect. Thanks so much! -Life: By J&L


DIY Geometric Painting

DIY Geometric Painting

img_0930Hey guys, Life: By J&L here. In this tutorial, we will teach you how to create your own DIY Geometric Canvas Painting.




  • 1-2 acrylic paints
  • Canvas (any size works, We used a 12 by 12 inch canvas)
  • Sizers
  • Paint Brush
  • Painters tape
  • Small paint brush (opinional)                                                                                                         fullsizerender-1                       First:
  • Use the painters tape, and tape 4 pieces in a diagonal form (shown above)               img_0891Second:
  • Take one of your paint colors, and fill in the white space. Fell free to put two layers the paint, if the paint color is not thick enough.:
  • Wait about 5-10 minutes for the paint to dry a little bit. Once dry, slowly peel the painters tape off the canvas. fullsizerender-3Step 3:
  • On the opposite side of the stripes you just painted, use the sizers to cut the painters tape perfectly, and line it up with the lines you just created, and do 4 more stripes of diagonal lines going the opposite way.img_0902Step 4:
  • Paint in the white lines with a different color of paint ( or the same color, your choice). Be carful not to paint over the other color of paint, and if you like, use a small brush to fix up any overlapping of the paint. You may do this while the color that you just painted is drying.img_0907Step 5:
  • Just like the last step, slowly peel the tape off the canvas, and your painting should look like the picture shown above.img_0911Step 6:
  • Flip the canvas so that the stripes that you just painted are in the bottom left corner. Tape 4 more diagonal lines going the opposite way of the lines you just painted. Paint these stripes with the color you used on the first stripes you painted. Again, you can fix up any of the paint that overlapped while the other paint is drying.fullsizerender-5Step 7:
  • Peel the tape off slowly, and your painting should look somewhat like this picture shown above.img_0917Step 8:
  • Flip the painting again, so that the stripes that you just painted are in the bottom left corner of your canvas. This time the tape will be placed between the stripes you just painted, and the first stripes you painted. Then paint these stripes with the second color you used. ( do 4 stripes of tape again)fullsizerender-4Step 10:
  • Take the tape off the canvas slowly, and your canvas should resemble the picture shown above. Turn your canvas so that the very first stripes you painted are in the bottom left corner.img_0922Step 11:
  • Put the tape going up, in the middle of the canvas. Fill this with either color. ( I chose the first color we used)img_0926Step 12:
  • Slowly peel off the tape and your canvas should look like this. Hold on, your not done yet!img_0928Lastly (step 13):
  • If your would like to make your painting more professional, then take a small paint brush, and use some white paint to cover up any paint that seeped through the painters tape.img_0930Now you are done! You can prop this up on a shelf or, you can hang it on the wall, Your choice. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, make sure to pin it, share it with your friends, and like it! Comment on it too, (tell us about any spelling or grammar mistakes!). Thanks so much! -Life: By J&L (;
Craft Supplies I Can’t Live Without

Craft Supplies I Can’t Live Without

Aloha! J&L again, so today we thought we would uncover some craft and diy supplies we can’t live without. Hope you like it! Keep in mind these are all affordable products and will be good investments for your average crafter.

Okay, so first off is the hot glue gun. These are pretty inexpensive, and are basically liquid gold. I have two options which are each under five dollars, and from  Michael’s. We recommend the Art Minds gun in green, and the Craftsmart gun in blue. Lucy personally prefers the Craftsmart gun because it has less leakage.

Next is the Scotch Double Sided Permanent Tape. This is a life saver. This tape is great if you are sticking paper together, and is a great alternative to glue. This can be found at most stores that have an office supply section.

Then, the Sharpies. We LOVE Sharpies, and both have quite a collection. Sharpies are more of an every day item from labeling, to drawing.

Finally, (you knew it was coming) the Mod Podge. Mod Podge= life. Mod Podge can be found at any store with a craft section. We’ve even found it at the dollar store!

What other items can you not live without? Bye! Hope you enjoyed!

Love, J&L

Diy Mason Jar Glass

Diy Mason Jar Glass

Hey, J&L, and were going to do a diy mason jar glass how to! We hope you enjoy it!

Step 1: Stab a hole in the top of a mason jar, or you can buy one already with a hole

Step 2: Decorate the lid using washi tape or paint

Step 3: Repoke the hole in the washi tape

Step 4: Decorate the jar with paint or washi tape

Step 5: Assemble the mason jar, poke a straw in, and you’re ready to go!

We hope you enjoyed! What diy should we do next?

Love J&L

Diy Girls Emergency Kit

Diy Girls Emergency Kit

Hi! J&L here, and we’re going to make an emergency kit for school, or work. Just in case, you always want to have this around.

  1. A small bag that will fit in you’re purse or backpack
  2. Gum and mints: no one likes smelly breath
  3. Deodorant: or smelly pits!
  4. Under eye concealer for those mornings that you’re too late and too tired
  5. Chapstick: dry lips aren’t helpful
  6. A pen, pencil, and sharpie: you never know when you might need these things
  7. Bobbypins, hairties and a headband for the long haired girls
  8. Advil! This is very important for headaches!
  9. Makeup remover wipes or Ponds: sometimes when you’re supposedly waterproof mascara smudges, now water won’t get it off
  10. Hand sanitizer! There are a lot of germs out there, and hand sanitizer can be important: especially around cold season
  11. Travel size mascara: just to touch up you’re makeup throughout the day
  12. Foundation powder: in case it all sweats off during gym, or a very intense math class
  13. Money! Money is important when you are super hungry or forgot to pay a friend back
  14. Feminine products: tampons or pads, whichever you prefer
  15. Tissues are pretty self explanatory
  16. Band aids: It’s not just a paper cut!
  17. Hand lotion or cream, for the winter time
  18. Cough drops: just in case
  19. Tide to go pen: you don’t want to have to walk around the rest of the day with a big fat stain on your new shirt
  20. Mini lint roller in case you have a pet

We hope this list was helpful! Is there anything else you might need? Comment down below!

Love, J&L

5 Tips on How to Travel Right

5 Tips on How to Travel Right

Hi! J&L again, we are going to Florida! So we decided that we would write some tips on how to pack for a trip.

  1. Roll you’re clothes: it is easier to fit more in your suitcase when you roll everything up- It also makes it easier to pick what to wear, because you don’t have to take everything out
  2. Pack a small bag in you’re purse or backpack with the basic things you need everyday, like lipstick, concealer, Chapstick, tissues, etc.
  3. Use those small pockets! On the outside and inside of your suitcase there is always those small pockets that sit there empty- put those to use! Use them for you’re socks, you’re books, your jewelry! They are there for a reason
  4. Buy travel size! We’ve all been pulled out of the security line because we left some lotion in our purse or we forgot to take out our new Bath and Bodyworks bath gel- There is a whole travel section at Target! Use it!
  5. Wear something comfortable!  There have been times when you think you’re wearing something cute, then you end up on a four hour plane ride with you’re thighs sticking to the seat- We reccomend capris or leggings

Thanks for reading! Be sure to comment if you tried some of these out!

Bon voyage, J&L

    Our Bucket List

    Our Bucket List

    Here is our Bucket List, leave one thing you have wanted to do in the comments below!

    1. Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower
    2. Ride a galloping horse over the horizon
    3. Sing in a concert
    4. Go ziplining in South America
    5. Learn a new language
    6. Run a marathon
    7. Trek the Inka trail
    8. Go huge bunjee jumping
    9. Fly in a hot air balloon
    10. Run barefoot in the wild
    11. Stay in a glass-topped igloo and watch the Northern Lights
    12. See a solar eclipse
    13. Play guitar
    14. Win a lucky draw
    15. Act in a movie


    Thanks for reading! Remember to comment!

    Love, J&L

    That’s Life

    That’s Life

    Welcome to Life: By J&L, the blog for everything life related. We hope you will enjoy this blog. We are Lucy and Jacqueline (J&L). Everything life related will be here. This is you’re ultimate destination for everything. Again, we hope you love this blog as much as we do.

