5 Tips on How to Travel Right

5 Tips on How to Travel Right

Hi! J&L again, we are going to Florida! So we decided that we would write some tips on how to pack for a trip.

  1. Roll you’re clothes: it is easier to fit more in your suitcase when you roll everything up- It also makes it easier to pick what to wear, because you don’t have to take everything out
  2. Pack a small bag in you’re purse or backpack with the basic things you need everyday, like lipstick, concealer, Chapstick, tissues, etc.
  3. Use those small pockets! On the outside and inside of your suitcase there is always those small pockets that sit there empty- put those to use! Use them for you’re socks, you’re books, your jewelry! They are there for a reason
  4. Buy travel size! We’ve all been pulled out of the security line because we left some lotion in our purse or we forgot to take out our new Bath and Bodyworks bath gel- There is a whole travel section at Target! Use it!
  5. Wear something comfortable!  There have been times when you think you’re wearing something cute, then you end up on a four hour plane ride with you’re thighs sticking to the seat- We reccomend capris or leggings

Thanks for reading! Be sure to comment if you tried some of these out!

Bon voyage, J&L

    2 thoughts on “5 Tips on How to Travel Right

    1. I’m going to Rome in a couple of weeks, and I am definitely going to try these out! These are very helpful! Thanks!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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