Diy Girls Emergency Kit

Diy Girls Emergency Kit

Hi! J&L here, and we’re going to make an emergency kit for school, or work. Just in case, you always want to have this around.

  1. A small bag that will fit in you’re purse or backpack
  2. Gum and mints: no one likes smelly breath
  3. Deodorant: or smelly pits!
  4. Under eye concealer for those mornings that you’re too late and too tired
  5. Chapstick: dry lips aren’t helpful
  6. A pen, pencil, and sharpie: you never know when you might need these things
  7. Bobbypins, hairties and a headband for the long haired girls
  8. Advil! This is very important for headaches!
  9. Makeup remover wipes or Ponds: sometimes when you’re supposedly waterproof mascara smudges, now water won’t get it off
  10. Hand sanitizer! There are a lot of germs out there, and hand sanitizer can be important: especially around cold season
  11. Travel size mascara: just to touch up you’re makeup throughout the day
  12. Foundation powder: in case it all sweats off during gym, or a very intense math class
  13. Money! Money is important when you are super hungry or forgot to pay a friend back
  14. Feminine products: tampons or pads, whichever you prefer
  15. Tissues are pretty self explanatory
  16. Band aids: It’s not just a paper cut!
  17. Hand lotion or cream, for the winter time
  18. Cough drops: just in case
  19. Tide to go pen: you don’t want to have to walk around the rest of the day with a big fat stain on your new shirt
  20. Mini lint roller in case you have a pet

We hope this list was helpful! Is there anything else you might need? Comment down below!

Love, J&L

One thought on “Diy Girls Emergency Kit

  1. You guys are really funny, and you are very creative! I would love to see more stuff like this and GIRL POSTs!!! 👍


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