Top 10 Classic Movies Every Girl Must Watch

Top 10 Classic Movies Every Girl Must Watch

Hi! J&L here, we are so sorry that we haven’t been posting in a while! We are starting this blog, and we would really appreciate whoever reads this and likes it, pins it, tweets it, Instagram’s  it, or recommends this blog to anyone. Thanks again, and we hope you like the post!!!

1. Mean Girls- Okay, we kind of knew this was coming. This is always the number one, and the ultimate movie for a girls night in., page 1 @ Normalize

2. Tiger Eyes – This movie is perfect if you are looking for a sad or dramatic movie, more of a teen or tween movie, but could be for anyone.

3&4. Pitch Perfect 1&2- Again comedic movie, perfect for a girls night.











5. 50 First Dates- A funny down to heart movie, great for any time, with friends, dates, family, anyone!


6. Mamma Mia- A classic movie, never fails to impress.


7. Legally Blonde- Hilarious and impressive, perfect for girls night!


8. How to be Single- Very funny movie, classic chick flick.


9. Daddy’s Home- Vey funny, perfect when hanging out with close friends.


10. Sisters- Last but definitely not least, this has to be one of my favorite movies of all time. Tina Fay and Amy Poehler are the perfect pair, they are so funny and powerful together. Highly recomened this movie for any time.


That is it for this post, I hope you all watch these movies, they are definitely worth it! Make sure to comment, like, pin, ect. Thanks so much! -Life: By J&L


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